Welcome to historic Pierre Street. As South Dakota’s State Capital, Pierre offers a central area that is rich in local history and charm. Our Pierre Street area provides a unique walking experience, with tree-lined streets, specialty shops, a variety of restaurants, and business services all offering the hometown feeling still treasured by locals and visitors alike.
HPSA ~ Purpose
The Historic Pierre Street Association is designed to help Pierre become a cohesive shopping and business district offering:
- a clean, safe, well-lighted and inviting appearance day and night;
- appealing storefronts occupied with a variety of inviting and interesting retail and service businesses;
- activities to attract and benefit area the community and visitors;
- architecture that offers visual unity and a quality experience;
- unified retail and service businesses with a reputation for welcoming and supporting new business;
- a creative and lively area where people will shop, enjoy, and return; and
- an environment to enhance tourism and stimulate sales tax dollars.
HPSA ~ Goals
Improve Pierre Street’s image by enhancing its physical appearance – not just the appearance of buildings, but also the street lighting, window displays, parking, signage, sidewalks, promotional materials, and everything that conveys a visual image of Pierre Street.
Strengthen the existing economic base of the Pierre Street area by welcoming and supporting new businesses.
Build consensus and cooperation among the groups that have roles in the area, including professional offices, retail establishments, city and county government, residents, local industries, building owners, real estate agents, schools, historical groups, the chamber of commerce, civic groups and the media.
Market the area’s unique characteristics to attract local residents, shoppers, investors, tourists, new businesses through promotional activities and entertainment venues to build a positive perception.